The transfer of all huge financial resources of the world is done by servers in virtual banking. E-Banking, in which the server is connected to the common account of the bank, is used in server method.
The currency transfer method is done by servers that the money from the common account of the Bank is entered into the receiver’s common account, and it is uploaded or downloaded by the sender or receiver’s officer.
In the IP/IP method, the entry of the currency into the receiver’s server is uploaded. In the IP/ID method, the entry of the currency into the receiver’s server is downloadable. In the StoS method, the currency exchange is run in the form of a launcher with Windows time which was sent by the receiver’s officer who has a full control on his server. This method is less secure because it may not be possible to place the box or capsule on the server line when it is launched.
When the transfer of currency has a very high volume, in other words, it is considered to be the backbone of the currency exchange, due to the fact that the receivers cannot upload or download the money of the Fund, this action is carried out by the Fund’s officer, who is the Head officer of the server in the world’s prime banks, and the server line of the receiver must be open. There must be no obstacle on the path of the server’s money transfer, so numeric characters can easily be replaced and sent to receiver’s server as good as possible.
The differences:
In the IP/IP method, all the necessary facilities are sent to the receiving Bank for conversion of the box or capsule into the currency.
In the IP/ID document method, the money is provided by the receiving Bank, and only the perfect money and numeric characters are sent by the sender.
Sometimes currency exchange procedures can be carried out by DTC (Digital Transfer Central). In other words, it is transferring currency to the central bank’s common account.
Sometimes the method of transferring money is Legion-to-Legion, Officer-to-Officer or Bank-to-Bank. In these ways, the sender and the receiver have no role in arranging the contracts and essential guarantees, and only the officers of two banks communicate with each other. Furthermore, all stages of the currency transfer are carried out from A to Z.
All banks (or companies) must have the following features to receive currency:
The server connected to the common bank account.
The server’s Head Officer or an officer who is familiar with downloading or uploading server’s currency.
License and authorization of the money tasers inside the server band. The amount of the accepted input currency.
The server’s Head Officer or an officer who is familiar with downloading or uploading server’s currency.
License and authorization of the money tasers inside the server band. The amount of the accepted input currency.
Basic knowledge and problems with IPIP, IPID, SEPA, FX4, DTC and others
Many of these ridiculously high sums come from PPP and are available on bank servers (NOT on accounts!). The reason for this is simple -> parts of these funds are to be invested in humanitarian projects, but the owners do not have humanitarian projects, which is why the bank can not put the money on their account. The use for human. Projects will be e.g. strictly tested by the FED.
So the owners are looking for a way to get the funds free. Often this is done through foundations. Every banker knows that we are in a gray area here!
Since we are in a gray area, we are ALL (you too!) obliged to secure us completely!
This always happens when both bank officers discuss and check the deal directly.
It is always to check from both BO:
1. complete KYC (protection for all of us)
2. Proof of capital and deal
3. The procedure MUST be discussed BO to BO (often transfer times and codes are to be considered)
4. Very often unrecoverable mail accounts have to be created to send important codes
5. Performance guarantees are communicated through these accounts
Bank to bank is mandatory, as both BO have to clarify the TTM for the transfer. The bank officers have to send code and counter code. Without TTM, an IPID is not feasible, as both BOs have to sit at their desk at the same time.
Both have to send an IMFPA
Both have to agree on various explanations -> e.g. execution guarantee / tax burden / release of the money must be guaranteed
The transaction itself takes only a few seconds.
Each sender must be aware that the receiver has very high costs (taxes in each country) and bank fees to pay. The total cost of the receiver (!!) in Hong Kong is e.g. about 35% ... in other countries even much more.
At DTC it is very often a matter of state funds or government funds. From this we can see that the actual banking system also has the states under control.
The transmitter sends - the receiver is liable!
Again, editing without the direct contact of both bank officer is absolutely impossible.
The system was actually abolished by Deutsche Bank. Nevertheless, my group can still use it today and have an account (in Germany) for use.
1. KYC is absolutely necessary
2. Contact BO to BO is absolutely necessary
3. It is not money, but files sent and decrypted by the recipient again!
4. FX4 is not necessary in many cases - there are often better ways of transfer
SEPA Direct Dept:
SEPA has 2 ways
1. Normal SEPA = simple direct debit authorization - immediately feasible
2. Business SEPA is much more complicated
- must be applied for at the bank
- immediate credit
- receiver have to be creditworthy and must have very high credit limit
- possible bankruptcy must be clarified
- Bank is liable
- very big effort / duration 2 weeks
- only B2B feasible
- receiver could lose his account
- tax liability of the receiver in the country
- In some countries (Europe) to observe negative interest rates
At SEPA business the receiver MUST protect himself from fakes. Therefore -> KYC and proof of capital absolutely necessary !
The sender wants something from us. That's why the sender has to show up and disclose everything! There are safe ways to do that without scattering everything --> Mandate / Mandate or BO / BO.
If a sender do not accept this, he is hiding something and will not be processed by me. I have ways for every (clean) kind of transfers
I do not answer quotes without first having facts, because every transfer is different and needs to be discussed individually. Also, taxes are different in each country, which is why a quota can only be quoted when the deal is discussed and the country in which it is made is known.
NOBODY has to worry about his commission. The banks must strictly adhere to the rules of the ICC and must not allow themselves any mistakes or scams, otherwise they may lose the license.
My attitude:
I prefer 0.1% of a lot of money, than 5% of nothing!